
Inspiration: {Kate Moss}

{Kate Moss in a one-of-a-kind KM3D-1 mini-feature for AnOther Magazine. "With a performance that recalls the fantastical cinema of Ray Harryhausen, James Bidgood and Kenneth Anger, KM3D-1 places at its centre one of the most iconic female figures of the modern age. Suspended in time and space, Kate is caught inexorably in the parallax gap; a butterfly in a spider's web. Captured at 1,000 frames per second – a speed so slow that movement is almost imperceptible – the beauty of Kate's face appears frozen, transforming her into an impenetrable deity. She is a figure of contemporary fantasy, shattering her own self-image. Made with state-of-the-art Phantom cameras, specially built for the project to create extreme slow motion and a dramatic 3D effect, KM3D-1 reflects AnOther Magazine's raison d'etre: to champion creatives pushing the limits of what seems possible." ~ Text by Nancy Waters via AnOther Magazine.}

(Video, here.  Discovered via Knight Cat.)

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