
{Holiday Musing}

{... did you enjoy your Christmas; was it magical like mine was? I am now enjoying free time at home with the hubby, simply relaxing and planning for the New Year... it is always a period of reflection for me... to reflect on what worked (staying authentic, being more positive and enjoying the moment), on what I want to work on (perfecting photography, cooking and finishing creative projects), on what I will refuse to let myself get trapped into (working through lunches and being around people that are not positive)... that's it for now... btw, I received a beautiful bottle of Chardonnay and thought I would share it with you; it is called "Felina" 2010 from Argentina.  UPDATE:  the lovely necklace in image 3 can be purchased here.}

Images: 1 | 2-7 {as always, all images edited by Simply Seductive}

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