
Weekend Signoff :)

{My posts have been rather sporadic lately. Blame it on the wonderful summer weather we have been experiencing, along with life in general... although it is nice to be busy with loads of projects on the go, I also think summer, especially, is a season to be enjoyed to its fullest... with that said, I want to thank you so much for the lovely, lovely comments this week... you have been exceptionally gracious and I absolutely love reading your kind words; also, welcome, welcome new followers... have a wonderful weekend!}

(Source, image 1) Sunday Suppers; 2) delightful new-to-me blog, 5am je t♥aime)

A few lovely weekend links:

(♥ a fun DIY realistic fake beauty mark ; ♥ lovely wish list for expectant moms from the gracious Melissa; ♥ how to take photographs in the sun; ♥ a fun fall collection of subdued tones, glam and beautiful textures.)

{p.s. purchased the exact blue distressed leather wallet (see side bar) from Tory Burch at Holt Renfrew earlier this week... on sale, yay!}

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