
heavenly bed

: : many months ago, my roommate's dad gave me a piece of advice, he said "invest in a good bed when you are young". the more I thought about what he had said, the more I convinced myself of how right he was, and became embarrassed about my craigslist used mattress find that I've been sleeping on for the past 3 years. but there wasn't enough reason, until...Iz found out he had been assigned to rotations in Boston and would be living here with me for the fall. we were both so excited! if anyone deserves some quality time together, it's us, after 9 years of long distance relationship, two years spent in the same city, but none of them ever spent sharing the same room.

after he was moved in however, we quickly realized that my bed just simply didn't cut it, size wise or comfort wise. so we are now on a hunt for a heavenly bed [literally, I think the decision will be a Westin heavenly bed]. so, I've been browsing some inspirational bedroom pics to get some ideas. domino magazine has a great photo gallery of interiors. and my favorite bedroom pic so far, miss .oh .joy's. own [top right], has just been accepted into the domino decorating contest.
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