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boston's mod green pod
photos: : red.house and modgreenpod.com
: : i can't even tell you how excited i was when i stepped in to .modgreenpod's. studio at the .south end open studios. on Saturday. i love their work and have seen their fabrics all over the place lately, the were recently featyred in domino as well as home&garden. it was happily surprised to find out that they are Boston locals.
run by sister-in-law team .nancy. and .lisa Mims., all their products are completely organic, fabrics are 100% organic cotton, wallpaper are vinyl-free and all their inks are waterbased. produced locally as well, everything within New England.
unfortunately, i didn't get the opportunity to meet .lisa. and .nancy. as they were away for the weekend. but i was able to snap a few pictures of their studio space. i hope i'll get the chance to meet them at some point. : : enjoy : :