
Today's Horoscope: Capricorn, Aquarius & Pisces

(Capricorn, December 22 to January 19: Ready for some fireworks? Good, because there's a whole bunch on the way. Today's frenetic energy will urge you to make some changes with regard to your goals for the future, which certainly could mean that you'll feel the need to begin associating with a whole new peer group. If that's the case, try to ease away from your current crew gently -- or offer to take them along.)

(Aquarius, January 20 to February 18: Today's momentum is making it seem all the more urgent to get the show on the road. Now this could mean that you're preparing to storm into your boss's office in the morning and make some demands -- but think about that. You know how authority figures react to ultimatums, right? And it's not usually all that well, is it? Consider a subtler tactic.)

(Pisces, February 19 to March 20: Prepare yourself. The more you've been thinking about doing something 'different' lately -- and the more restricted, controlled and constrained you've been feeling -- the more amazingly erratic your behavior has seemed to the people around you. That's not a reason to stop yourself, however. Every now and then, everyone needs to let go. It's officially your turn, and your turn has only just started. Photograph Source, Kayt Jones Photography. Until next week!)
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