
Announcing the launch of Second Showroom

The idea started out with an epiphany.

Let us explain.

As an operator of an online store, we have our fair share of both pleasure and pain. The pleasure part is going to trade shows and buying all these wonderful things. The painful part is sometime we buy too much or when we have returns. What do we do with all these beautiful items that are brand new and absolutely too beautiful to sit in the warehouse?

So we are so excited to announce the launch of SecondShowroom.com.

This is the site where you can get overstock, showroom samples and excess inventory directly from the manufacturers, retailers and showrooms throughout the country at amazing prices, and we mean AMAZING prices. More often than not you can get new items at savings of up to 75% off. What's more, by buying directly from the retailers and the manufacturers, you'll get the added assurance of buying from a reputable source; and that the merchandise will be in good condition when you receive it.

Now, the site is fairly new and we only have a limited number of items up so far, but keep checking back as we add more dealers and more merchandise.

It'll be a great hunt! We guarantee it.


Inspiration: Summertime in Italy

(Source, Photographer Amanda Pratt {Kate Ryan Inc.} via Simple Song.)

Today's Horoscope: Cancer, Leo & Virgo

(Cancer, June 22 to July 22: It's never easy giving out advice, whether it's asked for or unsolicited. Either way, chances are good that they won't actually take it, even after you've spent at least an hour reciting your best sales pitches. They'll listen, then they'll frown, shake their head and recite a long, drawn-out list of reasons why they can't possibly do what you're suggesting. Every now and then, however, you get lucky. Give them at least five minutes before you decide to call it quits.)

(Leo, July 23 to August 23: You have a knack for getting along with higher-ups, and it's only going to get better over the next couple of years. Yes, years. That said, if you need to talk with an authority figure about a problem, even if it's an embarrassing one, now is definitely the time to do it. You may not be able to solve the situation even with their help or advice, but you definitely won't feel competent to do it without them. At any rate, it's worth a shot.)

(Virgo, August 24 to September 22: Once you make up your mind about someone, it's tough to change it, especially if a long-term dispute is at the heart of that opinion. For now, it might be best for you to let all that go, no matter what it was, and try to let the past truly become the past. Of course, it all depends on whether the situation is something you can forgive. Horoscope via us.glamour.com. Photograph source, Hilary Rhoda, Heidi Mount, Jessica Stam, Angela Lindvall by Karl Lagerfeld for Bazaar US September 2008 via Fashion Victims. Tomorrow, July 1st's horoscope: Libra, Scorpio and Sagittarius!)



(Just love the grouping of figure photographs. Source, Delight by Design.)

Today's Horoscope: Aries, Taurus & Gemini

(Aries, March 21 to April 19: our world's an orderly, balanced and bright one, and you're doing your part to keep it that way -- putting selfishness aside and enjoying giving just as much as you're delighting in receiving. This generous mood of yours also gives you an extra-sparkly charm factor, which won't go unnoticed by those around you (and may be noticed by one person in particular). Keep the cycle of good energy going, and get the most out of this special day.)

(Taurus, April 20 to May 20: Forget about your boring old routine -- today is special, so fill it with good cheer and lots of fun. If you have to squeeze in some last-minute errands, take care of them quickly. A big, indulgent brunch is in order, perhaps followed by a walk or a matinee with friends or family. Tonight, plan to be cozy with your favorite people, enjoying some favorite beverages and telling favorite stories.)

(Gemini, May 21 to June 21: Fun's definitely in the stars, and while others may be in a mellower mode, you're raring to go. Find a friend or two who can keep up with you, and choose something great to do. A daytime adventure of roller-skating might be about your speed, or the hustle and bustle of shopping for a new summer outfit, or a special lunch at an interesting ethnic restaurant. Start a new tradition and enjoy every minute -- these are the days that memories are made of. Horoscope via Marie Claire.com. Photograph Source, Kayt Jones Photography. Tomorrow, June 30th's horoscope: Cancer, Leo & Virgo.)


Weekend Signoff :)

(In keeping with my previous lakeside water-themed post, I couldn't resist sharing this adorable picture. I wish you all a beautiful, sunny happy weekend! Source, Flickr.)

A Summer by the Lake

("... in the cathedral hush of a Quebec Indian summer with the lake drawing into its mirror the fire of the maples, it came to me that to be able to love the mystery surrounding us is the final and only sanction of human existence." ~ Canadian author, Hugh MacLennan, in "The Watch That Ends the Night." Water, an essential element of our existence; most appreciated in summer. Source, Icon_ology.)


Inspiration: Free Spirits

(the lovely Emma Watson has turned out to be quite the stylish fashionista!)

(Source, Faded to Pretend; Vs. Magazine)

(Model Angela Lindvall exudes glam simply and effortlessly (shown with her two adorable sons above). Photographer, David Mushegain via British Vogue.)

Today's Horoscope: Capricorn, Aquarius & Pisces

(Capricorn, December 22 to January 19: Business matters haven't exactly been difficult lately, have they? In fact, isn't it more accurate to say that everything's been coming up roses? Well, there's another sweet deal en route -- maybe even sweeter than the last, if you can believe that. So once you're sure that Lady Luck has once again smiled on you, why not share the wealth? You don't have to start a foundation, but taking someone special out for an elegant dinner wouldn't hurt. Photograph Source, Flickr.)

(Aquarius, January 20 to February 18: If anyone is ready for romance, it's you. And the universe agrees, too -- so much so that you've been chosen to receive one of those wonderful evenings that only come along a few times a year. Think of it as having your own personal concierge fairy show up on your doorstep with cash, tickets for two to the event of your choice and a limo -- oh, and the person you'd love to share it all with. Photography source, Etsy.)

(Pisces, February 19 to March 20: Some rumors are fun to hear -- so much fun that when you hear them, you start thinking about making one up to send back via the same messenger. Something along those lines is about to reach you now, regarding a certain someone you'd be hard pressed to deny your attraction to. Don't even bother trying to deny it. You're sweet on them, and apparently the feelings are mutual. Now what are you going to do about it? Photograph source, Flickr discovered via Automatism.)


Tip of the Week

(Dear lovely readers: Did you know that to lose those last few pounds, Dr. Joey Shulman, author of The Last 15 - A Weight Loss Breakthrough suggests: eating breakfast; stop eating at 7 p.m. five nights per week; drink three cups of green tea per day; eat low glycemic index carbohydrates (yes, you can and should have bread, but make it whole grain); eat protein at every meal; be like the French and watch your portion size; and eat slowly (it takes 20 minutes for the brain to register a "full" sensation. Photograph source, Carli Burni by Dewey Nicks via Tatielle.)

Dining Room Design

Dining Room Design

Minimalist Bossanova Dining Room

Minimalist Bossanova Dining Room

Modern Dining Room Design

Modern Dining Room Design

Contemporary Dining Room Table

vacation time

: : the next few weeks for me will be spent here, on Sa Tuna beach in northern Spain. And in Sweden with family & friends. happy summer! Ill be back with lots of photos to share.

What Color Is Comfort By Nicolette Toussaint

We believe interior designers are their best advertisement for themselves and their business of helping the public live in a home they deserve. We consistently encourage interior designers to get a blog and tell us about your projects, share with us the before and after pictures and the problems that were solved.Here's an example of a designer, not local however, who posts an excellent piece

Christopher Guy Furniture

This dining table from Christopher Guy is described on his website thusly:"Sheer elegance and luxury define this magnificent looking mahogany and veneer dining table, complete with delicate marquetry work, a fine example of a contemporary piece with classic appeal."Ava Living has this video of a furniture fashion show in Paris this year:Bev & MikeLandfair Furniture + Design galleryFollow us on

Green Design Summit

Don't forget to sign up for the Green Design Summit to be held June 29–30 via Webcast. The event looks to help architects and designers meet rising demand for environmentally friendly materials and designs.Click here to sign up today!The two-day Green Design Summit, available nationwide and internationally, will offer a host of well-known experts in green construction, architecture, interior

Today's Horoscope: Libra, Scorpio & Sagittarius

(Sorry if I'm a bit late in posting today...it is a holiday here in Québec and so I slept in... as you may know these horoscopes are only available the day of posting!)

(Libra, September 23 to October 22: When it comes to dramatic displays of affection, you're far more familiar with being on the giving side. Right about now, however, a loved one has decided it's time for you to have a taste of what it's like to be lavished with attention. This will probably arrive as a surprise, so don't let it be known that you have an inkling of what's about to happen. Let them have their fun, too. It's only fair.)

(Scorpio, October 23 to November 21: You're nothing if not a reluctant celebrity -- even when you know you deserve some public recognition. At the moment, however, you've done something that just can't be passed over -- something that a simple nod won't cover. Prepare yourself for a bit of the fanfare you've never been fond of. Oh, you can force yourself to enjoy it for a little while, can't you? Especially since it will mean so much to those who care for you.)

(Sagittarius, November 22 to December 21: Even if you were halfway across the world just weeks ago, by your standards, that's still probably far too long. So when the chance to travel arrives, you'll jump on it -- and why not? Everyone deserves the chance to do what they love as often as possible during their brief time here on the third planet. Besides, when they've had their fill, it makes them ever so much easier to get along with. That goes double for you. Horoscopes via Glamour.com. Photograph source from the talented and lovely, Record the Day. Tomorrow, June 25th's horoscope: Capricorn, Aquarius & Pisces!)

How to Create a Good Interior Design

Creating a good interior design layout is much more than just selecting the right furniture and colors that go well together for a home or office. The overall mood and comfort level you want for each room of the project have to be taken into consideration. Small but subtle elements including curtains, lighting, and the art work you place on the wall can all change the feel of a room. Creating a


Realities OF Furniture Shopping

Jason Ball of Jason Ball Interiors has a great post about shopping for furniture from an interior designer's viewpoint:Interior designers shop for furniture differently than most consumers by focusing on size, style, lines, color and pattern. Many designers "shop" at designer-only showrooms which don't have a large number of options on the floor, but instead have thousands of options in catalogs

A Colorful Accent

Faith Sheridan has my husband's favorite colors: Malachite and I call it a cinnamon.Bev & MikeLandfair Furniture + Design galleryFollow us on Twitter


Have you been to Jen West Design's blog, Jentrified? I was struck by her post about her visit to the Design Center in San Francisco where she encountered Hwang Bishop:Darn, we are not on her blogroll either.Bev & MikeLandfair Furniture + Design galleryFollow us on Twitter

Angela Todd's Blog

Hey, gang, check out Angela Todd's blog. She has a step-by-step process to get remodeling or redecorating project underway.Another post on her blog has pictures of the Home Builders Association’s Ultimate Open House, which took place on April 18th-19th and 25th-26th. She says it was a tremendous success. The Interior Design Society of Portland worked with several of the home builders to stage

Modern Remodel - Murdock Young Architects

Modern Remodel - Murdock Young Architects, originally uploaded by plastolux.Modern Remodel - Murdock Young Architects plastolux

The sexy designer by Jason Sullivan

> How much have I enjoyed this series?!!! It's been so great! I'll actually be sad when it's over :( I couldn't be more thrilled with the two finalists. They are both so amazingly talented it's awe inspiring.My pick for the winner is Jason. Despite the fact he's a little bit saucy and comes across as a real gentleman, I am sooooo in love with his designs! Every week he's pushed the bar and

Inspiration: Quotes

("Being happy doesn’t mean everything is perfect. It means you have made peace with the imperfections." ~ unknown. Photograph Source, We Heart It.)

Knoll Kids - Children's Furniture!

The Child's Womb Chair from Knoll Kids, shown here with the Stone child's seat in poppy. The adult version of the chair was designed in 1948 by Eero Saarinen, and the seat by Maya Lin in 1998.Kids Today reportsKnollStudio, a division of Knoll, Inc., renowned for its collection of classic and enduring designs for the workplace and the home, has launched Knoll Kids, a modern children’s furniture

Today's Horoscope: Cancer, Leo & Virgo

(Cancer, June 22 to July 22: Everything you think and feel is rapidly tumbling out of your mouth, virtually unfiltered. That's kind of scary for a creature as sensitive as you, but if you spend as much time as possible with people you love and trust, it will turn out to be a positive thing. After all, what could possibly be better than exchanging words of love with those you're closest to -- other than the wonderful, warm hugs that follow those declarations of affection, of course. )

(Leo, July 23 to August 23: Speaking of charm, stick-to-itiveness and making changes at work, don't underestimate yourself -- or your coworkers. The powers-that-be are seemingly omnipotent, but they weren't born with your talent for organizing the masses, and they can't run the show without the cast. Keep everyone calm and come up with a battle plan for the future. In one day, you've probably already made some progress in convincing the higher-ups. Imagine what you can all do in a month.)

(Virgo, August 24 to September 22: You're well known for more than your common sense and sound judgment, but right about now, you'll definitely need the use of both those qualities. A loved one you were thinking of confiding in may beat you to the punch -- in other words, before you have a chance to ask for their opinion, they'll ask for yours. There's only one thing to do: take turns telling your stories. This could end up being mutually beneficial in more ways than one. Horoscope via Marie Claire.com. Photograph source, Life discovered via the ever-inspiring Ruby Press. Tomorrow, June 24th's horoscope: Libra, Scorpio & Sagittarius!)


Modern Interiors - Studio Pepe

Modern Interiors - Studio Pepe, originally uploaded by plastolux.Black bedroom from London.

Inspiration: Gorgeous Bedroom

(Ooh. There are so many elements of this room I love... the ornate period bed juxtaposed against a modern mirrored armoire, black no less... and the large window; a necessity in a bedroom! Source, Design Corner.)

Before & After With Interior Designer Marlene Buckner

We've encouraged interior designers in our area to show us their before and after pictures of projects they've completed. We want to give you an idea through their examples why we recommend you use an interior designer.Our latest example is from Marlene Buckner, president elect of ASID Oregon Chapter, and a consummate professional having passed the National Council for Interior Design

The unique Interior Design

Sinead Considine is a nationally renowned Irish designer who combines a simple but elegant style that permeates her best designs at every level. Recognised as a new talent her work is continually featured in numerous magazines and on television. With her dynamic team on board, Sinead oversees and is personally involved with all interior design projects. The unique Interior Design service

interior and exterior decoration

We carry out all aspects of interior and exterior decoration of residential homes and commercial properties. We also offer an interior design service which can include hard and soft furnishings.

Green Design

This Month's issue of Designer Monthly features "Green Design". We start things off with a special feature on Living Green, showing you different ways you can change your lifestyle and your room designs in environmentally-friendly ways. Our Room of the Month highlights a small sitting area designed with earth-friendly objects. Little Things highlights independent designers producing "

Bernard Tschumi Architects' New Acropolis Museum

The museum is articulated in three layers, a base, a middle zone, and a top. The musuems' entrance is in the base, where glass floors hover over the excavation site on more than 100 concrete pillars, placed so as not to damage the remains. A glass ramp leads to a the middle section's double-height space, featuring the musuem's permanent collection galleries from the Archaic to the late Roman

FreeGreen: Bringing Green Design to the Masses

2005’s Solar Decathlon blew us away, but we were particularly fascinated by a stunning Solar House from Cornell University. This team brought a beautiful zero-energy home to the mall in Washington, D.C., and had just launched Zero Energy Design a home design firm focused on zero-energy design. Continuing their momentum as green home design gurus, two of the Cornell Solar Decathlon team members

Colorful Armchair

unique-artistic outdoor furniture, originally uploaded by baliboro.unique-artistic outdoor furnitureunique-artistic outdoor furniture detail visit http;//javabali.info

A good interior decorator

Architects and remodeling contractors are the folks to call for structural planning, while interior designers work out optimal room size, traffic flow and lighting. When it comes to choosing and coordinating the color schemes, paint finishes, cabinet styles and light fixtures that go into that room, that's where an interior decorator comes in.A good interior decorator will save you months of

Description for Interior Design Ideas Screensaver

Lunafurniture.com brings you the Interior Design Ideas Screensaver that includes modern designs of living rooms, bedrooms, kitchens, and dining rooms that will decorate your screen and provide you with interior design ideas to decorate your home.

Description for Interior Design Ideas Screensaver

Lunafurniture.com brings you the Interior Design Ideas Screensaver that includes modern designs of living rooms, bedrooms, kitchens, and dining rooms that will decorate your screen and provide you with interior design ideas to decorate your home.

Today's Horoscope: Aries, Taurus & Gemini

(Aries, March 21 to April 19: It's time to handle a family matter that's been making you crazy. If the issue is money, you'll need to put your foot down right away and be nothing but firm with all parties concerned. If it's strictly an emotional situation, the same holds true, but you may need to do some fancy footwork too -- in addition to handing out all your solid, grounded advice. Oh, and here's a tip: Either way, speak from your heart.)

(Taurus, April 20 to May 20: You've put your own personal goals on hold for far too long. It's now officially time to go after them with the same determination you usually only display when someone you love needs help or advice. The good news is that the heavens have arranged for an envoy to arrive at your door -- someone who just so happens to possess the skills, knowledge and experience you need to help you along the way. Expect a mystery guest and keep an eye out.)

(Gemini, May 21 to June 21: In your opinion, the astrological weather today is fine. Couldn't be better. There are scattered periods of change on the agenda, followed by even more change -- just the way you like it. Of course, while you're looking forward to the next surprise the universe has up its sleeve, your friend, sibling or neighbor is probably skulking around as far under cover as they can possibly get, worried about the unknown. Be nice. Draw them out and let them know that change is the only constant. Horoscope via Marie Claire.com. Photograph source via Models.com Feed. Tomorrow, June 23rd's horoscope: Cancer, Leo & Virgo.)

The White House Daylesford...

Hello again :) I know it's been ages since my last blog I sincerely apologise for that. I hope you're all well :) I've moved house and I'm currently busy renovating and decorating my new bedroom. I'll post pics when I'm finished if it turns out how I picture it in my mind hehe. The look I am trying to achieve is inspired from Claudia Strasser's The Paris Apartment book. Needlessly to say I am

The Principles of Good Interior Design

UNITY - Unity refers to the designer's concept and the honesty and thoughtfulness that is brought to achieve the concept. Through repetition and similarity, a single motivating idea emerges. When you design a home, make every effort to have the objects and colors relate to each other in some way. Use repetition of color, pattern, line and shape to establish unity. But use creative thinking to


Cool Applied Modular

Modern Interiors - Specht Harpman, originally uploaded by plastolux.Modern Interiors - Specht HarpmanModern Interiors - Specht Harpman as seen on plastolux

Normal Room's curving deck wall via Apartment Therapy

Normal Room's curving deck wall via Apartment Therapy, originally uploaded by Lyndar T. Merciless.The wood deck for your home. It's a good use of the space in the garden. It's suitable for one who don't have much time to maintain the garden so build the deck.

Blue and brown living room : Yellow accents and modern art

Love the chocolate velvet and bold splashes of yellow. Park Avenue living room designed by Pappas Miron. Photo from www.pappasmiron.com.


Pale gray living room + built-in bookshelves: Benjamin Moore 'Winter Solstice', from Elle Decor

Pale gray living room + built-in bookshelves: Benjamin Moore 'Winter Solstice', from Elle Decor, originally uploaded by xJavierx.Pale gray living room + built-in bookshelves: Benjamin Moore 'Winter Solstice', from Elle DecorIn the office of Ali Wentworth and George Stephanopoulos’ Washington D.C. home, walls are painted Winter Solstice by Benjamin Moore. The table and chairs are flea-market finds

Facundo Poj : Concept To Prototype

Remember the January post titled Facundo Poj Design? Argentinian Facundo who now makes his home in Miami, has just released a video on the whole process of the aztec stool & wine rack from concept to prototype in just over 3 minutes. Naturally, the design is facilitated with a nice bottle of red wine and a cigarette. Bev & MikeLandfair Furniture + Design galleryFollow us on Twitter

Modern home furnishing ideas3

Modern home furnishing ideas2

Modern home furnishing ideas1


Modern Interiors - Kate Hume

Modern Interiors - Kate Hume, originally uploaded by plastolux.Decorate with photo frames.

Weekend Signoff :)

(Don't you just love the french language... "L'été, la bouche rouge se porte mouillée, un peu irrégulière comme tachée après avoir trempé ses lèvres dans un verre de vin rouge" ... Thank you for dropping by this week and a warm welcome, new readers/followers of Simply Seductive! To everyone, if you haven't noticed I've started a new weekly post, entitled "Tip of the Week", so look forward to some really informative tips to come, once a week! Have a great weekend! Source, Flickr.)

dos visits

: : oh, I'm so happy. I have found a new favorite blog .dosvisits. by the .dosfamily.
(via .finelittleday.) so much eyecandy! wonderful wonderful photos of regular people's home in Sweden. have a lovely weekend!

Illustrator, Bella Foster

(Source, The Art Department.)

from sthlm

: : I got a very sweet email from .tiffany. at .from sthml. She is a a San Fracisco girl married to a Swede. Having spent a lot of time in Sweden she has gained a deep appreciation for Swedish design. Frustrated that she can't find some of the items in the US that she has come to love in Sweden she decided to launch her own website to bring indepent Swedish designers recognition as well as selling their products in limited editions. It's a wonderful intitative I think, and I love being able to learn about the designer and being able to buy their products. We need more online resources like this for Scandinavian products!! Thank you .tiffany.

Contemporary Lighting for the Modern Style Apartment

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