
Haggling as an Art Form?

The New York Times has a great article today about how to haggle when you go furniture shopping:

Read on:

"But these days, the thinking goes that it’s a buyer’s market for anyone looking to buy anything. And, as it happens, I’m currently in the market for everything, having just moved into a new apartment where the sum total of my décor is two card tables and an old leather recliner. I may not be a regular customer of the design boutiques of SoHo and TriBeCa, but if there is ever going to be a time for me to furnish my home in high style, this would seem to be it."

Read the complete article

We can't help but put in our two cents on this subject.

Now, we know the economy is tough. It's painful to watch. Too much so actually. The worst part of it is, we know it will get even worse in the next 12 months. But we hope that the consumers will see the OTHER side. As a consumer, you have the option of to spend or not to spend. As a furniture store owner though, you are much less flexible. There's rent, employees, utilities, overhead, advertising--fixed cost that come out of our pockets every month.

As we talk to our colleagues in the business, we find most of them are suffering, big time! Especially the small ones. Many have taken out home equity and/or maxed their credit cards out just to keep the business open. Most do not pay themselves a salary. Many of them are barely scraping by.

So when you do shop for furniture and decide to haggle, think about this a little. Stores have to make a profit to survive, and even though the common perception is retailers mark up like crazy, the truth is that after all the overhead, most of them are lucky if they can end up with a profit at the end of the month.

Here is another NY Times article on the home furnishing melt down.

Yes, do haggle if you can, NICELY. Keep in mind, though, stores need to make money to survive. And they are suffering just as much, if not more, than you are.

Otherwise, there won't be any place for us to shop!


New Heights

(Source, Lolita.)

(Photographer unknown, discovered via Creative Archive.)
(Photographer, Paolo Santambrogio.)

(Source, Le Fashion.)
(You may also be interested in an earlier post, found here.

Inspiration: Etherealness

(completely enchanted by these photographs... Photographer, Honer Akrawi.)

Ellen, once more

(she's so talented... becoming one of my favorite fashion photographers that I think I'll feature her on a monthly basis. Source, Ellen Von Unwerth.)


Anne Selke for Vanguard Furniture

Do you love colors? We do. In fact, we are totally obsessed with it. To us, there is nothing else that can elevate your mood so quickly, so completely.

We saw the new furniture collection from Anne Selke for Vanguard Furniture and we just love it. Anne Selke is the creative force behind Pine Cone Hill, a very pretty bedding line. Her furniture reflects her aesthetic perfectly. It's pretty, colorful and liveable.

Here are some samples of the furniture. You can see the complete collection at the Vanguard web site.

I will miss domino

: : just read the sad news on d*sponge that domino is closing down. it was my favorite interior design magazine, and the only one I subscribed to. is this yet another sign of our economy going downhill or is it a sign of the digital times where newspapers, books and magazines all struggle to stay alive? I can't imagine a world without books, newspapers and magazines!

every now and then, more and more frequently now, am I reminded of our terrible economy. I try constantly to distract myself from all the gloomy news, and pretend like things are the same. but then I hear of a friend who's lost her job, or see a favorite store that's closed down.....how much worse will it get before it gets better?

White Hot

(Source, Apartment Therapy Chicago.)

(Source, New York Times "Exposing the Bare Bones.")

(Source, The Style Files.)

(Source, flickr.)


: : .shepard fairey. a wonderful and very influential street artist. you've probably seen his famous obama illustration. he is currently decorating the streets of Boston with pieces from his new exhibit at the ICA {Boston Institute for contemporary art}. I found two on my way to work the other morning, and sadly discovered this morning that one of them had been painted over with white paint. the middle photo is my own, the rest you can find .here.

Short Wedding Dress Club

(dubbed the short wedding dress club, I would seriously consider these fabulous dresses if I were planning to marry these days... such a refreshing look... and given all the couture details, the bride will no doubt shine on her special day. Photographs from British Cosmo Bride. Source, here; discovered via Lovely Happenings, Megan, a delightfully enthusiastic and energetic blogger who, at the time of writing this post, posted her 218 post for January alone! P.S. I adore the first dress!)


Rants and Raves-BoBo Intriguing Objects

Have you ever been in love at first sight? We have. With an object, that is.

We first saw BoBo Intriguing Objects at the Atlanta Mart last year and we've been meaning to write about it. BoBo stands for Bourgois and Bohemian, and we have to say, that just describes the products PERFECTLY.

We love this line because it takes reclaimed wood and makes them into amazingly beautiful things-- kinda rustic and organic--but in a very refined and sophisticated way.

Here are some samples of their products. They look WAY better in person, we must tell you. You can check out the rest of the products on BOBO web site. They are a little bit pricey, but that's because the quality of the workmanship is so high.

At the moment we do not carry BoBo products yet, but if you are interested in anything in particular, drop us a line.

Fashion Illustrator, Arturo Elena

(have a weakness for fashion illustrations... these are exceptional. Source, Arturo Elena.)

Canadian Designer, Carlie Wong

(exquisitely tailored and feminine... Carlie Wong's Spring/Summer 2009 collection. Source, Carlie Wong.)
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