
falu rödfärg

: : to further prove my point. here are some summer wishes from my wonderful friend .linn. with the falu rödfärg. in hand, painting her summerhouse. .linn. is also a Boston transplant, and was home in Sweden during the same time I was this summer.

tack .linn. ! fin du är!

red.house friends

: : I know that I've been telling all of you that most every house in Sweden is painted red with white trims. well, I admit, most of that was all part of building a good story. then I went home just a few weeks ago. and took a trip through the Swedish country side with my two best friends. I couldn't get over what I saw.......literally EVERY house was painted red with white trims. Only with the exception of a few white and yellow houses. [The main house on a farm was often painted yellow or white to be separated from the red barn.]

I was blown away, how could I have forgotten? It really is true, almost every house in Sweden is red with white trims. So naturally, I was hanging out the window for the whole drive, snapping pictures of all the houses. here is just a small sample. I have a fairly extensive collection of pictures of red.houses now. maybe one day I'll do a gallery show or something. it's a fascinating phenomena I think. you'll see when you go to Sweden. I'm not lying.

cambridge eco shop

: : .iz and i. were strolling around cambridge a few weeks ago and came upon a new store called .greenward. specializing in eco-modern goods. there I found about every single product that I have ever used in an inspiration board for environmentally friendly/eco conscious products.
they also have a great selection of books on green building, ways to reuse/recycle products, creating your own household cleaning products, eco design/interiors....most topics that you would want. this store is definitely worth a visit. find it on basement level off of .mass avenue. between .harvard & porter sq.

sanna annukka

: : I have blogged about her before. I adore her work. Finnish graphic artist .sanna annukka.
I found out via .oh joy. that her work is now available to buy on her site. Though for a substantial share of money.


summer days

: : so eager to share......... my favorite place on earth. .mitt favorit smultronställe.

patterns of my summerhouse

: : hej : : happy to be back. but suffering from a difficult case of homesickness. my days spent at home were absolutely wonderful. and our summerhouse is a piece of heaven on earth. there really is nothing like it! I tried to soak it in as much as I could while I was there, but it still didn't feel like I had enough time. and how I miss my family and friends....it was not easy to leave this time. but I have lots of wonderful pictures to look at and dream about sunny warm days by the water, croquet tournaments, fresh seafood every day, sauna baths in the middle of the night....[the sauna was just built and is the small wooden house right on the water].

first a collection of patterns from around the house. such a beautiful old house, with so much charm. has been in the family for more than 50 years.
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