
naked and angry

: : submit your prints to .naked and angry. and your pattern might end up being their next big sell. .naked and angry. creates wallpaper, with your patterns! submit your pattern and if you get enough votes it will become the inspiration for their next wallpaper, and you can win
$ 500! so get to it!

a little help?

: : found this beauty in a vintage design store in .montreal. a few weeks ago when I was visiting my sister. it's got a swiveling teak arm, and the profile of the lamp itself is just beautiful. it's like a happy cloud hanging next to my bed.

but I was hoping for some help, all I know is that it's a danish design, made in .denmark. in the 60's.....but I'd love to find out more about it, so if you've seen similar lamps, or have any information about this one, I would love to know. I've googled, searched e.bay....but can't seem to find anything. I'm hoping you guys can help me out. thank you!

: : update : : new photos of the lamp. I keep staring at it. my friend .maiya. has developed lamp envy. maybe these photos will her make her more jealous? so far, no lead on its origin. it might remain a mystery.



: : found joom on etsy. seems like I was the last one. because later I found it on a few other blogs. wonderful stuff.


vintage furniture

: : I bought a beautiful Danish vintage lamp when I was in Montreal visiting my sister. I will post pics as soon as I have mounted it on the wall. yes, it mounts on the wall and protrudes out like a beautiful sculpture. you'll see.

but since finding the lamp I've been on a vintage furniture kick, searching both online and in local antique stores for special finds. I've been especially hooked on large lamps, like these two Danish beauties above. or how about a .hans wegner.papa bear chair. ?

there are some really good vintage furniture places to check out online...here....and here
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